FAQ Technical

Extraction of postings from the banks - Costumer don't receive any data

In the banks, customers are able to order different types of postings:

CAMT053 contains End of Day postings, these are typically received daily, the next morning.

CAMT054 contains notifications ‘during the day’ and can be ordered at different times of the day.

CAMT052 contains future postings (postings known by the system).

The costumer needs to order relevant extractions in the bank.

Are we able to test against all three datacenters?

No, it’s only possible to test against Bank Data.



500# Internal server error — BEC

This may be caused by the difference in the getBankCertificate call to BEC.
Unlike the other datacenters, BEC sends 2 certificates in the getBankCertificate call.
You have to use the second certificate, "bank connect prod".

500# Internal server error

If you get the following error:
General security error (Error during certificate path validation: Could not validate certificate signature.); nested exception is org.apache.ws.security.WSSecurityException: General security error (Error during certificate path validation: Could not validate certificate signature.)

This might be an error in the certificate, get the bank to check if the certificate is correct.

501 #Error in method invocation – Contact Bank Connect support

501#15db0f69689220785316f5350dae85c6054#Failure in activateServiceAgreement:KS01060E NAK_SHA_KEY EJ SAMME SOM SRVC_CRTFCT.SCR_SHA_KEY' in response from datacentral

The costumer has used an invalid activation code. The code is not yet blocked.

501 #Error in method invocation – Contact Bank Connect support

3b#Failure in activateServiceAgrement:KS01058E FEJL I PUBLIC-KEY STATUS. STATUS = spærret høj

Number of activation attempts has reached the limit. Contact the bank to get a new activation code

501 #Error in method invocation – Contact Bank Connect

501#64e074055b4040cfb1e5ff019d7be99a#Failure in activateServiceAgreement:KS01058E FEJL I PUBLIC-KEY STATUS. STATUS = initier

AftaleID (functionID) is not correct

634# Certificate is not valid -  BEC

System.ServiceModel.FaultException: '634#fec3979c-862e-4f8a-87ec-4530abe26ef0#Certificate is not valid

Known error in C#

There is an error in the BEC signature, which means that the transport signature, in the outer layer of the two signatures, are not able to be validated.
BEC is working on solving the problem.

710# Schema or content validation has failed

The ISO20022 specification has not been followed. Make sure that you are using the ISO20022 PAIN.001 Transfer Payment specification.


TransferPayment – Timeout

The costumer gets a timeout when a TransferPayment request is submitted as a new user.
The costumer are sending invalid data in the ‘Request header’.
Verify the registration number and the AftaleID (functionID)

Customers will receive a timeout on their requests in the period between 3AM – 5AM
The request has been send in service window.
We recommend not to send requests in the period between 3AM – 5AM.

Internal server error

Check if the endpoint contains a service:

For example:

Remove the "service" - "renewCustomerCertificate".
