Summer release - Bank Connect

We have updated the Bank Connects developer package, and you can now download it from the website.

The changes of the Bank Connect developers package version 25/06 2015 are:

  • New WSDL (new endpoint)
  • Updates in documentation
  • SoapUI projects updated
  • Error handling on MockServer and KryptoLib is now more uniform and simple.

Changes to RenewCustomerCertificate
In the RenewCustomerCertificate we have updated the WSDL with a new type of certificateRequestMessage to accommodate correct business signing.

Note that the data centers of the banks will not implement CertificateRequestMessage until later this summer. You will get a more exact date in a separate newsletter.

More about the changes in the release notes in the package
We have worked all changes into the documentation and the reference implementation. For more information, see the release notes in the developers package.

Trial run during the summer
The current trial run with SEGES continues throughout july, and primo august we start up new end2end tests with the more ERP suppliers.

Bank Connect wishes you all a good summer.